Wednesday, August 28, 2013


No strength left.
To fight or flee?
Feels like life
Has beaten me.

The pain progressed.
It's choking me.
My options gone,
No strength to flee.

Eliot was right,
It doesn't end with a fight.

*I was thinking, for whatever reason about TS Eliot and got the lines "This is the way the world ends
/ Not with a bang but a whimper" from Eliot's poem "The Hollow Men" stuck in my head. This is the result.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


from the depths of silent nights, I hear the angry shouts
when brothers turn from love to hate and gunshots ring so loud
when mankind runs to prejudice and fear and war and death
the sound that breaks the silence now are boulders singing praise

when we all turn our eyes away from those who have no hope
and streets are filled with hungry mouths and souls so filled with doubt
when blindness carries on its back the weight of cultured fools
then break the wind and waves again to show us where we lack

when all we have are fleeting things and vague memories of joy laughter seems to disappear and anger take the helm
come stand in awe and watch the gulls fly headlong on the storm

the stones, the sea, the flitting birds whose voices know none else
have offered up in our own place a song of thankfulness
they serve the one whom we forgot, who saves us from ourselves
it's not too late to find your voice before the stones cry out

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 18, 2011


Your love surrounds me,
I am healed
Your peace fills me,
I am complete

Without you I fall
Knees bruised and bloody
Still I remain silent -
Resisting your embrace

I know your power
But rely on mine
I know your grace
But choose my stress

When I seek you
My heart mends
When I serve you
Joy abounds

But still I wander
Afraid of surrender
While you stand -
Always waiting


Holding back tears
Shortness of breath
Heart pounding in chest
Million pounds on my breast

So many questions
So many sighs
All too often I hear
A handful of lies

Inadequacy is
My middle name
Say what you will
It all sounds the same

Nights draped in shadow
Lonely and bleak
I open my mouth
Unable to speak

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little girl

Little girl with the pretty face,
Why do you let them put you in your place?

You follow their lead like a dog in the park,
But every time you run to them, they break your bleeding heart.

In a land not far from here --
And not too long ago,

You were a thing of substance;
You held some control.

But now life has you beaten,
Head upon your knees.

Though you know no one listens,
You beg and cry and plead.

Don't let them hold you down;
Rise up to your knees.

You may not have the strength to run,
But there's always time to dream.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I don't want to talk about it
Silence is golden

Or maybe I'm just getting older

Life has taken it's toll on my soul
And happiness is always just out of my grasp

You see through me
But it's never enough

Those eyes can't see
What I really mean when I say nothing

You know me too well
But never enough

The knife is twisting in my chest

Who would have thought
You'd be the best thing to happen

You just don't understand
It will never be enough

But can I admit to love?

I never will

So here I sit


(Just to avoid any and all misunderstanding that might arise from this post: I did not write this poem recently. In fact, it is at least a couple of years old. It in no way reflects my current situation or relationship.)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Loneliness surrounds me;
My heart feels black despair.
I need you arms around my heart;
Show me that you're there

All I see is darkness;
I need a great release.
Hold me please, dear father;
I need to feel your peace.

On every side I feel
Despair as black as night.
Lord, please be my shelter;
I'm weary of this fight.

With your strong arms surrounding,
And your strength as my own,
Nothing here can move me --
I do not stand alone.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Though the wind buffets,
You stand always at my back.
Your hand covers mine;
I recline in your embrace.

The storm howls around;
The darkness hides your face.
Stumbling on this stony ground,
I fall and find myself engulfed in grace.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why a Poetry Blog?

I have been thinking about starting a poetry blog for some time now. I spent years being self-conscious of my poetry and really trying not to share it with more than a select few people. I realized that I was mostly being selfish. I still don't consider myself much of a poet, but I hope that my poetry can be used to encourage those who are in need and to inspire other writers to share their work.

Why "Poems from a Broken Heart?" Simply because my heart has been broken. I don't necessarily mean in a romantic sense (although you may see some poetry on that topic), but in a spiritual sense. Most of my poetry comes from times in my life when God was breaking me and melting me, remolding me into His image. I'm sure some of you can relate to those times of brokenness.

Please, read and be encouraged. Most of the poetry you'll find here was written sometime in the last 2-3 years. I haven't put it into any kind of order, and there is no rhyme or reason to which poems are posted when.

Comments make my life a much richer experience, so please tell me what you think. Good, bad, or indifferent, I want to hear it all. Thanks in advance for sharing this with me.